GOP women meet with executive coach Starla West

(Back row, from left) Emily Pearson, Jennifer Templeton, Kim Good, Suzanne Heinzmann, Jennifer Wright-Kehl, Sue Finkham and Starla West. (Front row, from left) Victoria Spartz, Danielle Carey Tolan, Paula Hughel, Megan Wiles and Cecilia Coble.

The Hamilton County Republican Women’s Club held an event Feb. 28, 2019, at Another Broken Egg Café, 8626 E. 116th St. #175, Fishers. Starla West, an executive coach, spoke to the group about setting life priorities. Donations were collected for the Right Now campaign that provides necessary items for Hamilton County families in need. Describing the Right Now campaign, West said, “Actions speak louder than words.”

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